How we guarantee quality

Like coffee, saffron has features that are tied to its ‘terroir’ (soil, climate, corms). To protect the specific features of the Taliouine saffron the first Protected Designation of Origin (‘AOP’) of Morocco was created for this product.


All member cooperatives of our EIG are AOP certified.

Saffron is the most adulterated spice in the world. But this ‘AOP’ allows us to guarantee our clients a good traceability of our products. Thus, for every saffron product that is AOP Saffron of Taliouine certified a number allows to trace the origin of the saffron (town, village, cooperative and producer) .

The saffron of Taliouine parcels are located in 100% natural settings, far from any urban or industrial sources of contamination.


6 member cooperatives of our EIG are Organic Agriculture certified.

No chemical fertilisers or treatments are used to cultivate saffron; the fertilisation applied in the region consists of the input of organic matter under the form of manure or natural compost. While water is an increasingly valuable and rare resource in the region, the cultivation of saffron requires little water, which is good for preserving the natural and social environment.

quality chart